Statistics Norway

Forestry, structural statistics

4 Entrepreneurial income forestry1 for personal forest owners, by size of income. 2005 and 2006. NOK 1 000
  2005 2006
  Entrepreneurial income forestry Forest owners with positive entrepreneurial income Entrepreneurial income forestry Forest owners with positive entrepreneurial income
  NOK 1 000 NOK 1 000
Total 1 578 718 27 226  784 468 25 920
Size class entrepreneurial income forestry        
NOK 1-49 999  264 727 22 684  260 349 22 166
NOK 50 000-99 999  156 540 2 251  152 801 2 197
NOK 100 000-249 999  224 653 1 503  174 611 1 174
NOK 250 000-499 999  139 674  405 93 672  279
NOK 500 000-999 999  137 775  199 52 724 78
NOK 1 000 000-2 499 999  170 961  110 29 473 20
NOK 2 499 999-    484 389 74 20 839 6
1  Entrepreneurial income from forestry also comprises income from primary industries in other municipalities.

Explanation of symbols