Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, structural business statistics

1 Principal figures for enterprises, by industry division, SIC2007. Final figures 2007 and preliminary figures 2008
Industry division Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Total purchases of goods and services Wages and salaries Gross investment in tangible goods
2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008
  Number of   NOK million
36-39 Water supply, sewerage, waste 1 041 1 118 1.. 9 645 20 136 22 191 14 082 15 914 3 065 3 781 2 219 2 637
36 Water supply  383  422 1..  967 1 230 1 198  762  820  172  386  414  208
37 Sewerage  149  154  855  968 1 214 1 387  699  824  303  358  264  450
38 Waste act., materials recovery  491  513 6 805 7 667 17 672 19 548 12 597 14 193 2 580 3 011 1 527 1 937
38.1 Waste collection  273  286 4 347 4 928 9 168 9 991 6 468 6 947 1 621 1 814  722  586
38.2 Waste treatment and disposal 60 66  895  993 2 496 2 839 1 635 1 993  375  462  284  727
38.3 Materials recovery  158  161 1 563 1 746 6 008 6 718 4 494 5 254  584  736  522  624
39 Remediation, other waste managem. 18 29 28 43 20 60 24 77 9 26 14 41
1  .. denotes that data is not available.

Explanation of symbols