Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, structural business statistics

1 Water, sewerage and waste. Principal figures for local KAUs, by industry division. 2008-2009
Industry division (SIC 2007) Local kind of activity unit Persons employed Compensation of employees Turnover Value added at factor prices Gross operating surplus Gross investment
  Number of NOK million
$36-39 Water supply, sewerage, waste              
2008 1 152 8 582 4 068 19 749 5 444 1 377 2 179
2009 1 213 8 120 3 842 18 512 5 935 2 077 2 165
36 Water supply              
2008  376  597  322  469  156 -167 98
2009  416  400  177  568  232 54  167
37 Sewerage              
2008  144  781  354 1 084  524  169 58
2009  147  754  329 1 054  533  204  108
38 Waste act., materials recovery              
2008  605 7 139 3 355 18 053 4 753 1 398 1 981
2009  617 6 897 3 292 16 643 5 080 1 771 1 879
38.1 Waste collection              
2008  347 4 380 1 845 8 148 2 394  548  478
2009  346 4 098 1 861 8 127 2 682  822  506
38.2 Waste treatment and disposal              
2008 68  778  406 2 091  684  278  798
2009 80  912  485 2 510  848  362  782
38.3 Materials recovery              
2008  190 1 981 1 104 7 815 1 675  572  705
2009  191 1 887  946 6 006 1 550  587  590
39 Remediation, other waste managem.              
2008 27 65 36  142 12 -24 42
2009 33 69 43  247 90 47 12

Explanation of symbols