Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, structural business statistics

1 Principal figures for enterprises, by industry division. Final figures 2009 and preliminary figures 2010
Industry division Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Total purchases of goods and services Wages and salaries Gross investment in tangible goods
2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010
  Number of NOK million
36-39 Water supply, sewerage, waste 1 051 1 098 8 119 8 553 18 296 21 814 12 797 15 124 3 100 3 378 2 384 1 932
36 Water supply  414  447  392  409  513  504  311  342  132 94  155 80
37 Sewerage  146  151  842  762 1 097 1 132  554  585  301  304  176  152
38 Waste act., materials recovery  459  463 6 834 7 302 16 513 19 854 11 780 13 903 2 638 2 935 2 042 1 689
38.1 Waste collection  250  252 4 272 4 488 8 617 9 614 5 983 6 517 1 584 1 663  622  552
38.2 Waste treatment and disposal 67 70  946  999 2 604 2 983 1 716 1 943  410  444  814  389
38.3 Materials recovery  142  141 1 616 1 815 5 292 7 257 4 081 5 443  644  828  606  747
39 Remediation, other waste management 32 37 51 80  174  323  152  294 29 45 12 11

Explanation of symbols