Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, structural business statistics

1 Principal figures for enterprises, by industry division. Final figures 2010 and preliminary figures 2011
Industry division Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Total purchases of goods and services Wages and salaries Gross investment in tangible goods
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
  Number NOK million
36-39 Water supply, sewerage, waste 1 066 1 068 8 017 8 125 20 641 22 018 14 208 15 293 3 255 3 410 2 465 1 175
36 Water supply  441  447  322  333  400  420  225  248  139  106 96 58
37 Sewerage  147  146  665  708  988 1 107  492  542  272  305  107  104
38 Waste act., materials recovery  442  441 6 949 6 982 18 929 20 093 13 200 14 090 2 801 2 929 2 244 1 009
38.1 Waste collection  238  229 4 295 4 441 8 988 9 777 6 026 6 588 1 585 1 731  752  469
38.2 Waste treatment and disposal 63 68  840  795 2 694 2 753 1 737 1 692  391  409  731  164
38.3 Materials recovery  141  144 1 814 1 746 7 247 7 563 5 437 5 811  825  789  762  376
39 Remediation, other waste management 36 34 81  102  323  398  291  412 43 70 17 5

Explanation of symbols