Statistics Norway

Structural statistics. Wholesale and retail trade

2   Principal figures by number of persons employed and industry group. Local kind-of-activity units. 2003
Industry group Total Local KAUs with employment
-2 3-4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-
The whole country              
Local KAUs 67 688 35 701 10 691 12 216 6 397 1 396 1 287
Employment  346 735 36 775 37 033 79 677 83 794 32 820 76 636
Turnover. NOK million1, 2  921 845.2 81 862.5 61 163.1  155 188.8  198 686.4 80 658.8  344 285.6
Compensation of employees 90 133.9 4 264.6 8 244.1 19 088.3 21 808.4 9 500.2 27 228.3
Investment2 10 258.3 1 987.7  863.0 1 655.7 1 946.5  682.8 3 122.6
50 Local KAUs 10 445 5 424 1 250 1 920 1 414  257  180
Employment 55 299 5 552 4 322 12 929 18 526 5 987 7 983
Turnover. NOK million2  146 657.0 13 685.2 9 383.6 29 287.3 45 704.7 16 387.5 32 208.7
Compensation of employees 15 103.2  529.0 1 090.3 3 364.8 5 006.2 1 922.6 3 190.3
Investment2 1 425.3  465.5  218.7  275.7  295.5 48.0  121.9
50.1 Local KAUs 2 847 1 782  257  375  307 64 62
Employment 13 779 1 803  888 2 596 4 035 1 497 2 960
Turnover. NOK million2 76 766.4 6 672.1 4 774.5 11 951.7 20 181.3 9 422.2 23 764.6
Compensation of employees 4 669.5  172.3  255.6  817.4 1 457.3  607.0 1 359.9
Investment2  766.1  247.1  162.2  106.1  116.6 37.1 97.0
50.2 Local KAUs 4 144 2 261  607  701  400 93 82
Employment 20 128 2 500 2 099 4 589 5 257 2 229 3 454
Turnover. NOK million2 19 832.8 1 999.6 1 890.7 4 873.2 5 728.7 2 117.5 3 223.0
Compensation of employees 5 815.1  218.4  496.0 1 308.8 1 710.2  808.2 1 273.4
Investment2  387.1  152.0 32.0 88.1 86.2 -2.4 31.2
50.3 Local KAUs 1 262  688  213  225 88 24 24
Employment 5 755  718  737 1 432 1 182  555 1 131
Turnover. NOK million2 14 255.8 1 585.5 1 425.5 2 873.2 : : :
Compensation of employees 1 834.8 87.3  223.3  455.5 : : :
Investment2 42.7 17.0 18.5 21.9 : : :
50.4 Local KAUs  288  197 45 34 10 1 1
Employment  723  200  150  209  113 20 31
Turnover. NOK million2 1 714.8  329.3  260.2  533.9 : : :
Compensation of employees  160.8 15.1 33.4 58.4 : : :
Investment2 17.3 6.3 1.6 6.5 : : :
50.5 Local KAUs 1 904  496  128  585  609 75 11
Employment 14 914  331  448 4 103 7 939 1 686  407
Turnover. NOK million2 34 087.2 3 098.7 1 032.6 9 055.3 16 623.0 3 563.7  714.0
Compensation of employees 2 623.0 36.0 82.1  724.7 1 391.9  299.9 88.4
Investment2  212.1 43.1 4.3 53.2 92.9 17.5 1.1
51   Local KAUs 20 311 12 795 2 515 2 593 1 460  405  543
Employment  105 522 12 313 8 629 17 023 19 377 9 624 38 556
Turnover. NOK million2  521 892.9 52 297.8 27 161.6 65 450.5 77 685.7 35 401.7  263 895.6
Compensation of employees 41 037.4 2 093.1 2 832.9 6 284.8 7 829.8 4 113.7 17 883.1
Investment2 4 536.9 1 039.6  161.5  389.4  673.8  203.1 2 069.6
51.1 Local KAUs 2 332 2 085  153 59 21 5 9
Employment 3 898 2 065  507  361  276  125  564
Turnover. NOK million2 3 911.4 1 481.1  434.3  463.4  276.7  169.7 1 086.2
Compensation of employees 1 106.7  235.6  144.8  142.0  127.2 82.7  374.3
Investment2  186.5 63.8 7.1 1.8 1.2 -0.1  112.6
51.2 Local KAUs  438  232 62 87 41 8 8
Employment 2 193  245  218  569  505  193  463
Turnover. NOK million2 11 938.6 1 479.7  996.8 2 412.1 4 157.0  905.0 1 988.0
Compensation of employees  763.0 38.0 64.0  188.4  188.7 75.7  208.3
Investment2  125.7 -8.3 4.9 44.9 35.7 2.9 45.7
51.3 Local KAUs 1 793 1 112  199  198  144 38  102
Employment 15 679  999  694 1 312 1 931  896 9 847
Turnover. NOK million2  144 160.0 7 716.0 6 528.3 14 684.5 14 868.6 7 269.4 93 093.2
Compensation of employees 5 801.9  172.3  216.4  471.3  693.6  348.2 3 900.1
Investment2  692.1 71.8 -4.0 25.4 56.8 32.5  509.7
51.4 Local KAUs 4 737 3 147  518  561  295 78  138
Employment 23 292 2 885 1 764 3 687 3 941 1 875 9 140
Turnover. NOK million2 95 298.6 12 326.9 4 820.5 10 664.9 15 313.4 6 505.9 45 666.9
Compensation of employees 8 933.1  459.6  545.4 1 276.5 1 584.4  760.1 4 307.2
Investment2  655.3  142.8 25.7 76.7  109.8 26.9  273.5
51.5 Local KAUs 3 296 1 843  459  470  323 91  110
Employment 20 281 1 801 1 590 3 090 4 316 2 179 7 305
Turnover. NOK million2  149 212.1 20 826.8 5 426.6 14 616.6 19 910.6 6 503.6 81 928.0
Compensation of employees 7 935.6  370.2  528.4 1 149.6 1 700.2  846.2 3 340.9
Investment2 1 892.2  642.7 58.9  114.0  176.3 50.1  850.2
51.8 Local KAUs 6 324 3 289  978 1 115  597  175  170
Employment 36 876 3 367 3 358 7 330 7 914 4 109 10 798
Turnover. NOK million2  109 620.1 6 823.1 7 822.3 21 007.0 21 972.9 13 512.9 38 481.8
Compensation of employees 15 424.2  679.3 1 178.4 2 809.4 3 352.4 1 896.6 5 508.0
Investment2 1 022.8  149.4 71.0  141.9  298.6 86.5  275.4
51.9 Local KAUs 1 391 1 087  146  103 39 10 6
Employment 3 303  951  498  674  494  247  439
Turnover. NOK million2 7 752.0 1 644.2 1 132.8 1 602.0 1 186.4  535.2 1 651.5
Compensation of employees 1 073.0  138.0  155.5  247.7  183.2  104.2  244.4
Investment2 -37.8 -22.6 -2.0 -15.4 -4.6 4.2 2.6
52   Local KAUs 36 932 17 482 6 926 7 703 3 523  734  564
Employment  185 914 18 910 24 082 49 725 45 891 17 209 30 097
Turnover. NOK million2  253 295.3 15 879.5 24 617.9 60 451.0 75 296.0 28 869.6 48 181.3
Compensation of employees 33 993.2 1 642.5 4 320.9 9 438.6 8 972.4 3 463.9 6 154.9
Investment2 4 296.1  482.6  482.8  990.6  977.2  431.8  931.1
52.1 Local KAUs 8 140 2 162 1 368 2 126 1 708  396  380
Employment 73 190 2 630 4 788 14 462 22 769 9 279 19 262
Turnover. NOK million2  117 308.3 2 957.3 5 429.0 20 793.1 40 957.8 16 122.7 31 048.4
Compensation of employees 12 059.1  228.6  778.2 2 470.7 3 741.1 1 542.0 3 298.5
Investment2 2 105.5 92.4  135.3  421.2  442.8  260.7  753.0
52.2 Local KAUs 1 786  841  419  383  130 10 3
Employment 7 234  978 1 447 2 414 1 628  230  537
Turnover. NOK million2 11 771.9  871.3 1 647.1 3 585.9 4 683.5  737.4  246.7
Compensation of employees 1 429.7 87.8  250.8  455.1  394.3 62.9  178.7
Investment2  116.9 17.1 18.1 32.9 42.3 5.4 1.1
52.3 Local KAUs 1 245  350  300  288  231 58 18
Employment 8 578  417 1 029 1 924 3 146 1 314  748
Turnover. NOK million2 14 376.2  313.6 1 197.5 3 302.1 6 139.2 2 457.1  966.7
Compensation of employees 2 189.9 48.2  212.4  496.8  875.1  372.5  184.9
Investment2  228.8 23.4 51.4 56.4 52.6 29.4 15.5
52.4 Local KAUs 20 374 9 137 4 650 4 775 1 398  261  153
Employment 88 972 10 476 16 177 30 109 17 639 6 171 8 400
Turnover. NOK million2  102 056.4 9 810.6 15 830.3 31 659.7 22 244.9 9 217.9 13 292.9
Compensation of employees 17 166.1 1 163.4 2 958.0 5 768.5 3 756.8 1 422.9 2 096.6
Investment2 1 688.7  267.3  250.5  464.7  436.7  133.4  136.1
52.5 Local KAUs  521  490 24 7 - - -
Employment  531  413 79 39 - - -
Turnover. NOK million2  313.2  223.1 58.4 31.7 - - -
Compensation of employees 38.6 19.0 12.6 6.9 - - -
Investment2 1.5 1.4 0.1 0.0 - - -
52.6 Local KAUs 3 507 3 325 65 62 39 7 9
Employment 5 116 2 762  217  389  503  166 1 079
Turnover. NOK million2 6 120.7 1 154.3  230.5  803.0 1 093.0 : :
Compensation of employees  759.1 48.1 36.3  121.9  136.8 : :
Investment2 80.1 40.0 6.7 5.9 0.2 : :
52.7 Local KAUs 1 359 1 177  100 62 17 2 1
Employment 2 293 1 234  345  388  206 49 71
Turnover. NOK million2 1 348.5  549.3  225.0  275.6  177.6 : :
Compensation of employees  350.7 47.3 72.4  118.7 68.4 : :
Investment2 74.6 40.9 20.7 9.5 2.6 : :
1  Regarding wholesale on a fee or contract basis the turnover is defined as commission on the sale.
2  VAT is not included.

Explanation of symbols