Statistics Norway

Structural statistics. Wholesale and retail trade

5   Principal figures, by industry group. Enterprises. 2003 and 2004
Industry group Enterprises Owners Employees Persons employed
2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
Total 57 282 57 166 21 511 20 584  322 230  328 246  343 741  348 830
50     Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel 9 054 8 938 3 833 3 647 50 422 51 920 54 255 55 567
50.1   Sale of motor vehicles 2 520 2 538 1 089 1 081 12 786 13 202 13 875 14 283
50.2   Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 3 742 3 791 1 856 1 801 18 042 18 674 19 898 20 475
50.3   Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories 1 053 1 041  411  392 4 859 5 176 5 270 5 568
50.4   Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories  288  312  114  137  609  662  723  799
50.5   Retail sale of automotive fuel 1 451 1 256  363  236 14 126 14 206 14 489 14 442
51     Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 18 715 18 475 4 823 4 691 99 022  100 136  103 845  104 827
51.1   Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 2 328 2 387 1 178 1 195 2 763 2 825 3 941 4 020
51.2   Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals  303  289 86 79 2 674 2 692 2 760 2 771
51.3   Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 1 705 1 686  362  337 14 822 14 771 15 184 15 108
51.4   Wholesale of household goods 4 534 4 533 1 127 1 090 21 530 22 405 22 657 23 495
51.5   Wholesale of non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap 2 826 2 844  586  599 19 219 20 812 19 805 21 411
51.8   Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 5 650 5 448 1 088 1 022 35 195 33 842 36 283 34 864
51.9   Other wholesale 1 369 1 288  396  369 2 819 2 789 3 215 3 158
52     Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and householdgoods 29 513 29 753 12 855 12 246  172 786  176 190  185 641  188 436
52.1   Retail sale in non-specialized stores 6 044 6 410 2 235 2 497 74 027 75 548 76 262 78 045
52.2   Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 1 143 1 084  631  557 4 731 4 916 5 362 5 473
52.3   Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles  653  618  290  245 8 199 8 193 8 489 8 438
52.4   Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 16 353 16 242 5 778 5 485 82 406 83 940 88 184 89 425
52.5   Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores  515  496  319  309  204  224  523  533
52.6   Retail sale not in stores 3 463 3 640 2 531 2 213 2 083 2 200 4 614 4 413
52.7   Repair of personal and household goods 1 342 1 263 1 071  940 1 136 1 169 2 207 2 109
  Part-time employees Man-labour year Wages and salaries Social security costs
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
          NOK million 2
Total  136 482  130 250  230 879  235 458 74 731.4 78 888.7 14 579.9 15 766.7
50     Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel 15 926 14 351 37 877 39 545 12 547.8 13 473.7 2 276.5 2 515.6
50.1   Sale of motor vehicles 1 721 1 468 10 985 11 543 3 878.0 4 200.0  776.6  885.5
50.2   Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 3 596 2 661 14 975 15 848 4 938.4 5 347.7  895.8  975.1
50.3   Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories 1 039  887 4 050 4 321 1 377.8 1 504.4  255.3  297.3
50.4   Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories  171  135  451  525  140.2  170.0 21.4 27.6
50.5   Retail sale of automotive fuel 9 399 9 200 7 415 7 308 2 213.5 2 251.6  327.4  330.1
51     Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 14 837 13 263 85 387 86 881 32 993.0 34 566.0 7 426.3 8 049.5
51.1   Wholesale on a fee or contract basis  559  555 2 032 2 070  902.8  969.4  220.2  233.8
51.2   Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals  458  422 2 328 2 347  824.0  852.4  175.3  187.1
51.3   Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 2 496 2 113 12 790 12 591 4 569.3 4 678.0 1 026.0 1 074.3
51.4   Wholesale of household goods 4 076 3 945 17 599 19 112 7 048.9 7 790.5 1 646.5 1 929.8
51.5   Wholesale of non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap 2 702 2 695 17 013 18 525 6 268.0 7 006.3 1 595.1 1 762.4
51.8   Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 3 975 3 037 31 537 30 137 12 544.6 12 420.0 2 596.5 2 697.1
51.9   Other wholesale  571  496 2 089 2 099  835.4  849.4  166.7  165.0
52     Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and householdgoods  105 719  102 636  107 615  109 031 29 190.6 30 849.0 4 877.1 5 201.7
52.1   Retail sale in non-specialized stores 50 685 50 923 42 987 43 224 10 980.3 11 592.8 1 708.5 1 881.9
52.2   Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 2 965 3 030 2 883 2 909  893.5  933.7  178.2  184.7
52.3   Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles 3 651 3 558 6 026 5 970 1 798.7 1 861.5  375.6  398.0
52.4   Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 47 341 44 091 53 161 54 246 14 696.6 15 572.5 2 454.4 2 561.6
52.5   Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores  149  130  117  121 30.4 32.6 5.0 4.8
52.6   Retail sale not in stores  611  695 1 591 1 689  517.2  568.6  110.3  123.5
52.7   Repair of personal and household goods  317  209  851  871  273.9  287.3 45.1 47.3
  Compensation of employees Turnover1 Gross operating surplus Production value
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
  NOK million2
Total 89 311.2 94 655.4  891 444.4  981 905.7 38 626.3 44 933.1  281 167.1  297 823.8
50     Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel 14 824.3 15 989.3  143 623.6  164 083.7 4 969.7 6 598.5 43 444.2 49 471.8
50.1   Sale of motor vehicles 4 654.6 5 085.5 62 967.2 74 764.3 1 925.6 2 914.8 13 790.2 17 445.7
50.2   Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 5 834.1 6 322.8 35 177.8 40 556.5 1 643.8 2 170.8 16 727.3 18 678.9
50.3   Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories 1 633.1 1 801.7 12 523.5 14 122.8  746.2  915.5 4 222.3 4 736.2
50.4   Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories  161.6  197.6 1 716.3 2 453.6 89.6  137.5  537.8  667.3
50.5   Retail sale of automotive fuel 2 540.9 2 581.7 31 238.9 32 186.5  564.6  460.0 8 166.7 7 943.7
51     Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 40 419.3 42 615.5  488 868.5  545 295.1 19 551.8 23 165.6  152 308.4  158 361.1
51.1   Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 1 123.0 1 203.2 3 927.0 4 185.9  773.1  894.4 3 650.7 3 947.4
51.2   Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals  999.3 1 039.5 12 660.6 13 390.9  541.7  502.8 5 049.6 5 255.0
51.3   Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 5 595.3 5 752.2  143 470.1  156 102.4 3 871.7 4 013.9 26 767.1 27 655.1
51.4   Wholesale of household goods 8 695.4 9 720.4 88 577.0 97 327.8 5 046.2 5 818.1 27 704.4 30 748.4
51.5   Wholesale of non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap 7 863.1 8 768.7  129 143.9  155 301.1 4 398.9 5 790.7 50 986.4 51 907.3
51.8   Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 15 141.1 15 117.2  103 772.7  111 735.4 4 414.1 5 591.8 35 234.9 36 033.5
51.9   Other wholesale 1 002.1 1 014.4 7 317.2 7 251.6  506.2  553.9 2 915.2 2 814.5
52     Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and householdgoods 34 067.7 36 050.7  258 952.3  272 526.9 14 104.7 15 169.0 85 414.5 89 990.9
52.1   Retail sale in non-specialized stores 12 688.8 13 474.7  122 518.2  127 776.8 5 050.3 4 863.4 31 642.5 32 945.6
52.2   Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 1 071.7 1 118.3 10 669.6 11 312.3  351.0  380.4 2 173.7 2 274.0
52.3   Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles 2 174.3 2 259.5 14 101.1 14 891.4  541.9  609.2 3 741.8 3 992.4
52.4   Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 17 151.0 18 134.1  104 869.0  111 289.0 7 318.3 8 433.9 43 636.0 46 384.1
52.5   Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores 35.4 37.4  301.5  301.7 31.7 39.2  160.1  167.5
52.6   Retail sale not in stores  627.5  692.1 5 218.2 5 665.9  568.0  603.3 2 934.3 3 092.8
52.7   Repair of personal and household goods  319.1  334.6 1 274.8 1 289.8  243.6  239.7 1 126.1 1 134.5
  Value added Total purchases of goods and services Purchases of merchandise Gross investments
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
  NOK million 2
Total  127 937.5  139 588.5  746 238.2  830 270.2  613 623.1  692 428.5 10 124.8 9 610.8
50     Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel 19 794.0 22 587.8  122 541.4  143 799.4  100 308.3  117 690.2 1 360.7 1 479.6
50.1   Sale of motor vehicles 6 580.2 8 000.3 56 242.6 68 492.6 49 141.9 59 046.8  718.1  550.7
50.2   Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 7 477.9 8 493.6 27 671.2 32 898.0 18 400.0 22 689.8  455.8  600.1
50.3   Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories 2 379.3 2 717.2 10 202.3 11 793.2 8 352.9 9 762.8 14.8  154.4
50.4   Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories  251.2  335.0 1 530.6 2 187.5 1 253.8 1 851.8 18.6 36.8
50.5   Retail sale of automotive fuel 3 105.4 3 041.6 26 894.6 28 428.0 23 159.8 24 339.1  153.4  137.5
51     Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 59 971.1 65 781.1  410 641.3  462 646.7  337 611.5  389 882.9 4 352.5 3 256.4
51.1   Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 1 896.0 2 097.5 2 052.4 2 135.2  293.8  278.1  320.4 33.6
51.2   Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 1 540.9 1 542.3 11 311.4 12 172.5 7 665.7 8 281.3  188.1  139.2
51.3   Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 9 467.0 9 766.1  127 737.1  140 111.7  116 984.9  129 201.6  678.2  660.0
51.4   Wholesale of household goods 13 741.6 15 538.4 75 192.3 82 248.4 61 177.5 67 023.1  628.4  514.9
51.5   Wholesale of non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap 12 262.0 14 559.4  103 777.9  128 471.1 77 984.8  104 220.2 1 603.4 1 040.8
51.8   Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 19 555.2 20 709.0 84 678.2 91 707.3 68 982.2 76 330.1  981.5  795.6
51.9   Other wholesale 1 508.3 1 568.3 5 891.9 5 800.6 4 522.5 4 548.5 -47.5 72.3
52     Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and householdgoods 48 172.4 51 219.6  213 055.5  223 824.1  175 703.2  184 855.4 4 411.6 4 874.8
52.1   Retail sale in non-specialized stores 17 739.1 18 338.1  105 823.2  110 025.8 91 881.0 95 346.8 2 221.2 2 145.6
52.2   Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 1 422.6 1 498.7 9 332.8 9 908.7 8 580.5 9 132.2  104.3  163.9
52.3   Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles 2 716.2 2 868.7 11 484.5 11 992.5 10 449.8 10 887.8  226.4  154.5
52.4   Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 24 469.3 26 568.0 81 341.8 86 516.0 62 133.0 66 570.9 1 715.2 2 388.8
52.5   Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores 67.1 76.6  244.4  231.2  149.8  138.8 1.5 3.7
52.6   Retail sale not in stores 1 195.5 1 295.3 4 109.3 4 416.2 2 356.2 2 611.2 69.1 -11.2
52.7   Repair of personal and household goods  562.6  574.3  719.6  733.6  153.0  167.7 73.8 29.7
1  Regarding wholesale on a fee or contract basis the turnover is defined as commission on the sale.
2  VAT is not included.

Explanation of symbols