Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

7   Public limited companies, by requirement concerning owner-elected members of board and economic activity. 1 July 2006
Economic activity Number of enterprises Share of enterprises
Total Fulfill the requirement Does not fulfill the requirement Fulfill the requirement Does not fulfill the requirement
Total  510  163  347 32.0 68.0
A - Agriculture, hunting and forestry 1 1 -  100.0 -
B - Fishing 14 2 12 14.3 85.7
C - Mining and quarrying 33 13 20 39.4 60.6
D - Manufacturing 78 27 51 34.6 65.4
E - Electricity, gas and water supply 6 1 5 16.7 83.3
F - Construction 5 1 4 20.0 80.0
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehichles, motorcycles and personal household goods 31 9 22 29.0 71.0
H - Hotels and restaurants 2 - 2 -  100.0
I - Transport, storage and communication 50 14 36 28.0 72.0
J - Financial intermediation  132 51 81 38.6 61.4
K - Real estate, renting and business activities  146 43  103 29.5 70.5
O - Other community, social and personal service activities 11 1 10 9.1 90.9
Unknown 1 - 1 -  100.0

Explanation of symbols