Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

3   Public limited companies and members of board, by gender and age. 1 January 2007
Age groups Members of board, total Gender
Total Per cent Women Men
Total Per cent Total Per cent
Total 2 639  100.0  650  100.0 1 989  100.0
16-24 years 1 0.0 1 0.2 - -
25-34 years  106 4.0 49 7.5 57 2.9
35-44 years  709 26.9  245 37.7  464 23.3
45-54 years  988 37.4  270 41.5  718 36.1
55-66 years  722 27.4 83 12.8  639 32.1
67 years and older  113 4.3 2 0.3  111 5.6

Explanation of symbols