Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

7   Public limited companies1, by requirement concerning owner-elected and employee-elected members of board and number of members of board. 1 January 2007
Number of members of board Number of enterprises Share of enterprises
Total Fulfill both requirements Fulfill only the requirement concerning employee-elected members of board Fulfill only the requirement concerning owner-elected members of board Do not fulfill any of the requirements Fulfill both requirements Fulfill only the requirement concerning employee-elected members of board Fulfill only the requirement concerning owner-elected members of board Do not fulfill any of the requirements
Total 61 16 17 11 17 26.2 27.9 18.0 27.9
4-5 members of board, total 1 1 - - -  100.0 - - -
6-8 members of board, total 44 9 14 10 11 20.5 31.8 22.7 25.0
9 members of board, total 8 3 3 - 2 37.5 37.5 - 25.0
10 or more members of board, total 8 3 - 1 4 37.5 - 12.5 50.0
1  Does not include enterprises with only one employee-elected member of board or enterprises with less then 20per cent male or female employees.

Explanation of symbols