Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

4   Public limited companies and members of board, by gender and level of education. 1 July 2007
Level of education Members of board total Gender
Total Per cent Women Men
Total Per cent Total Per cent
Total 2 646  100.0  789  100.0 1 857  100.0
Lower secondary education 82 3.1 22 2.8 60 3.2
Upper secondary education  463 17.5  109 13.8  354 19.1
Tertiary education, short  987 37.3  320 40.6  667 35.9
Tertiary education, long  745 28.2  244 30.9  501 27.0
Unknown and other  369 13.9 94 11.9  275 14.8

Explanation of symbols