Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

1 Board of directors by gender, age groups, level of education, size groups and economic activity. 1st of January 2008
  Private limited company Public limited company
  Total Gender Total Gender
  Total Per cent
Per cent
Total Per cent
Per cent
Total  435 487  100.0 16.8 83.2 2 486  100.0 36.2 63.8
Age groups                
Total  435 487    100.0  100.0 2 486    100.0  100.0
16-24 years 2 247   1.0 0.4 0   0.0 0.0
25-44 years  148 117   41.4 32.5  739   41.1 23.3
45-66 years  256 609   51.9 60.3 1 650   58.3 70.9
67 years and older 28 514   5.7 6.7 97   0.6 5.8
Level of education                
Total  435 487    100.0  100.0 2 486    100.0  100.0
Lower secondary education 43 444   11.2 9.7 78   2.3 3.6
Upper secondary education  187 361   41.7 43.3  419   13.0 19.0
Tertiary education, short1  126 386   33.4 28.1  908   39.6 34.8
Tertiary education, long2 59 692   10.5 14.4  739   33.6 27.6
Other3 18 604   3.2 4.5  342   11.6 15.0
Size groups                
Total  435 487  100.0 16.8 83.2 2 486  100.0 36.2 63.8
No employees  221 505  100.0 15.4 84.6  639  100.0 34.1 65.9
1-4 employees 97 389  100.0 19.7 80.3  343  100.0 32.9 67.1
5-9 employees 46 947  100.0 18.6 81.4  282  100.0 37.2 62.8
10-49 employees 54 536  100.0 15.6 84.4  646  100.0 36.8 63.2
50-99 employees 7 510  100.0 16.3 83.7  217  100.0 36.9 63.1
100-249 employees 4 589  100.0 17.4 82.6  203  100.0 40.4 59.6
250 employees or more 3 011  100.0 19.7 80.3  156  100.0 41.0 59.0
Economic activity                
Total  435 487  100.0 16.8 83.2 2 486  100.0 36.2 63.8
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 2 446  100.0 16.5 83.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fishing 5 118  100.0 10.0 90.0 46  100.0 37.0 63.0
C - Mining and quarrying 2 826  100.0 10.9 89.1  202  100.0 36.1 63.9
D - Manufacturing 34 326  100.0 13.3 86.7  477  100.0 34.8 65.2
E - Electricity, gas and water supply 3 913  100.0 15.2 84.8 20  100.0 40.0 60.0
F - Construction 31 730  100.0 8.7 91.3 25  100.0 32.0 68.0
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehichles, motorcycles and personal household goods 77 402  100.0 19.5 80.5  118  100.0 32.2 67.8
H - Hotels and restaurants 12 900  100.0 24.1 75.9 5  100.0 40.0 60.0
I - Transport, storage and communication 22 370  100.0 13.4 86.6  220  100.0 36.8 63.2
J - Financial intermediation 33 589  100.0 16.8 83.2  579  100.0 37.7 62.3
K - Real estate, renting and business activities  177 507  100.0 15.9 84.1  756  100.0 36.2 63.8
L - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 5  100.0 20.0 80.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
M - Education 2 803  100.0 22.9 77.1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
N - Health and social work 10 841  100.0 36.2 63.8 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
O - Other community, social and personal service activities 14 199  100.0 27.8 72.2 30  100.0 36.2 63.8
P - Private housholds with employed persons 4  100.0 0.0  100.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 3 508  100.0 18.5 81.5 8  100.0 36.7 63.3
1  Tertiary education, short, comprises higher education of 4 years or shorter.
2  Tertiary education, long, comprises higher education of more than 4 years.
3  Other include persons with no completed education and those who have not registred any information about education.

Explanation of symbols