Statistics Norway

Dental health service

2   Settled man-years. Public dental health care. 2000-2003
  2000 2001 2002 2003
Man-years, total 2 799.5 2 964.0 2 848.9 2 918.5
Dentists 1 040.7  984.5 1 016.2 1 037.2
Specialist in dentistry 32.9 31.7 32.5 29.7
Dental nurse  285.7  296.9  324.8  340.6
Dental secretary 1 167.9 1 168.3 1 211.4 1 248.4
Other health care education, university level/professions1 72.3  170.7  110.7  134.9
Administrative personnel 62.9 60.1 50.1 46.8
Other personnel with service functions 44.2 44.9 52.6 48.4
Other, unspecified personnel 92.9  206.9 50.6 32.5
1  There has been a break in the time series for personell from the municipalities register on salaries (PAI). The numbers from 2001 are therefore to high for other health care education/profesion and other personell.

Explanation of symbols