Statistics Norway

Dental health service

4   Settled man-years. Private dental health care. 2002-20041
  2002 2003 2004
Man-years, total 5 964.4 5 828.9 6 123.3
Dental practioners 2 527.3 2 423.9 2 569.6
Dentist within orthodontia  151.2  139.1  153.0
Oral surgeons 21.8 16.4 20.3
Dentists within periodontia 54.6 - -
Dentists within pedodontics 3.5 2.5 3.0
Dental technicians  547.6  559.0  542.7
Dental nurses  223.0  224.6  259.9
Dental secretary  759.9 2 046.9 2 134.2
Other health care education, university level/profesions  148.8 72.0 72.7
Administrative personnel 4.4 84.9 75.8
Other personnel with service functions 27.1 77.1 79.5
Other, unspecified personnel 1 495.1  183.0  212.7
1  In the production of the register-based statistics for 2004 some improvements were made to the production plans. The figures have been revised for 2003 and 2002.

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