Statistics Norway

Transport by vans and small lorries

4 Transport by vans and small lorries, by type of transport1. Average per vehicle. 2008
Type of transport Vehicle-kilometres Tonnage carried Goods transport performance Number of laden journeys Average length of laden journeys
Total Laden journeys
  Kms Tonnes Tonne-kms   Kms
All vans and small lorries 16 009 6 738 38 1 760  206 32.8
Multi-stop journeys 27 031 23 851  140 9 132  581 41.0
Single-stop journeys 16 101 12 361  100 3 920  425 29.1
Service vehicle with some goods carried 17 842 14 112 71 2 740  458 30.8
Service vehicle with no goods carried 16 874  334 1 32 9 36.6
Private use 12 249 26 0 5 1 26.8
1  Main type of transport in survey week.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols