Statistics Norway

Transport by vans and small lorries

6 Transport by vans and small lorries, by commodity1. 2008
Commodity Vehicle-kilometres Tonnage carried Goods transport performance Number of laden journeys
Total Laden journeys
  Millions Million tonnes Million tonne-kms Millions
All vans and small lorries 7 604.9 3 200.6 18.2  836.3 97.7
No commodities 3 497.1 - - - -
Food products  273.4  225.3 1.3 69.8 8.6
Mail and parcels  177.3  154.2 0.8 31.0 5.4
Paper products  178.0  141.5 0.7 71.4 1.8
Machinery and equipment 1 079.3  867.1 3.9  173.2 26.1
Grouped goods  762.8  610.6 3.7  156.1 19.4
Other goods 1 637.0 1 201.8 7.7  334.7 36.4
1  Main commodity in week of survey.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols