Statistics Norway

Transport by vans and small lorries

7 Transport by vans and small lorries, by type of transport and type of employer. 2008
  Vehicle-kilometres Tonnage carried Goods transport performance Number of laden journeys
  Total Laden journeys
  Millions Million tonnes Million tonne-kms Millions
Type of transport          
All vans and small lorries 7 604.9 3 200.6 18.2  836.3 97.7
Hire or reward  599.9  511.6 3.1  233.7 9.7
Own account 7 005.0 2 689.0 15.0  602.6 88.0
Multi-stop journeys  967.1  853.3 5.0  326.7 20.8
Hire or reward  491.1  424.3 2.6  198.4 6.9
Own account  476.0  429.0 2.5  128.3 13.9
Single-stop journeys  600.5  461.0 3.7  146.2 15.9
Hire or reward  108.8 87.3 0.6 35.3 2.7
Own account  491.7  373.8 3.2  110.9 13.1
Service vehicle with some goods carried 2 344.0 1 854.0 9.3  359.9 60.1
Service vehicle with no goods carried 1 382.0 27.3 0.1 2.6 0.7
Private use 2 311.3 4.9 0.0 0.9 0.2
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols