Statistics Norway

8   Value added in tourism industries at basic prices. 1996-2003. NOK million, constant 2001-prices1
  1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002* 2003*
Hotels and restaurants 18 396 19 544 19 622 20 759 20 636 19 506 19 304 18 802
Transport via railways, tramway and suburban transport 2 275 2 511 2 739 2 497 2 534 2 330 2 201 2 059
Scheduled motor bus transportation and taxi operation 8 060 7 878 7 547 7 618 7 579 8 079 8 028 7 684
Ocean and coastal water passenger transport abroad  879 1 105 1 472 1 160 1 419 1 367 1 280 1 248
Inland water transport 4 332 4 404 4 147 3 740 3 614 3 538 3 794 3 998
Air transport 8 375 9 128 9 687 9 227 8 216 6 280 6 554 7 405
Activities of travel agencies etc. 2 450 2 587 2 655 2 600 2 793 2 525 2 399 2 298
Rental of transport equipment 1 260 1 446 1 990 1 843 1 989 1 511 1 523 1 580
Motion picture and other entertainment, news agencies and cultural services 9 355 9 602 10 491 10 980 11 007 10 637 10 771 11 069
Sporting and other recreational activities  504  490  515  547  578  633  664  693
Value added in tourism industries 55 551 58 267 60 443 60 725 60 311 56 406 56 517 56 835
Gross domestic product 1 310 330 1 378 319 1 414 562 1 444 739 1 485 727 1 526 233 1 547 246 1 553 717
Tourism industries' share ogf GDP. Per cent 4,2 % 4,2 % 4,3 % 4,2 % 4,1 % 3,7 % 3,7 % 3,7 %
1 The figures for 1996-2000 have been revised 25.10.2004

Explanation of symbols