Statistics Norway

Balance of payments, geographical breakdown

2   Balance of Payments, geographical breakdown. 2002. NOK million
  Nordic countries Other EU/EEA countries Other European countries North America Central and South America Africa Asia and Oceania Total
Exports, total 92 847  395 550 22 445  139 071 12 554      3 379 38 930      704 776
Goods 62 062  297 019 16 514 57 374 8 739 2 798 30 562  475 068
Services 23 682 64 753 4 755 43 475 3 315  496 6 946  147 422
Sea transport 4 222 26 981 1 942 26 562 1 585  191 4 455 65 938
Other transport and communication 2 846 10 934  371 3 143  591  100  274 18 259
Travel 5 459 8 661  824 1 961 17 31  292 17 245
Financial and insurance services 1 680 3 219  352 1 638 35 17  188 7 129
Business services 7 346 13 771 1 061 9 198 1 077 97 1 590 34 140
Other services 2 129 1 187  205  973 10 60  147 4 711
Other income and transfers, credit 7 103 33 778 1 176 38 222  500 85 1 422 82 286
Imports, total  120 831  209 760 36 640 79 053 9 513 5 921 47 001  508 719
Goods 75 795  113 351 23 607 23 126 6 741 2 566 36 953  282 139
Services 37 621 58 583 7 948 15 930 1 290  860 8 417  130 649
Sea transport/operating costs 6 009 17 610 1 813 2 842  661  453 6 132 35 520
Other transport and communication 3 830 3 882 1 964 1 446  129 9  500 11 760
Travel 16 040 19 358 1 600 2 549 51 40  147 39 785
Financial and insurance services 1 192 2 963  159 1 199  136 10 97 5 756
Business services 9 573 13 948 2 210 7 227  270  279 1 351 34 858
Other services  977  822  202  667 43 69  190 2 970
Other income and transfers, debit 7 415 37 826 5 085 39 997 1 482 2 495 1 631 95 931
Balance of goods -13 733  183 668 -7 093 34 248 1 998  232 -6 391  192 929
Balance of services -13 939 6 170 -3 193 27 545 2 025 -364 -1 471 16 773
Current account balance -27 984  185 790 -14 195 60 018 3 041 -2 542 -8 071  196 057

Explanation of symbols