Education statistics. Pupils in folk high schools, labour market courses, etc.

4   Pupils in other upper secondary education programmes1, folk high schools and labour market courses by parents' educational level and gender. 1st October 2001. Absolute and percentages.2 Preliminary figures
  Parents' educational level Percentage of parents' educational level
  Total Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education Unknown Total Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education
Total 22 601 1 740 4 759 9 594 2 130 4 378  100.0 9.5 26.1 52.6 11.7
Other upper secondary education programmes 10 218  911 2 487 4 972  800 1 048  100.0 9.9 27.1 54.2 8.7
Folk high schools 5 830  726 1 840 2 304  138  822  100.0 14.5 36.7 46.0 2.8
Labour market courses 6 553  103  432 2 318 1 192 2 508  100.0 2.5 10.7 57.3 29.5
Males 9 506  763 1 950 3 870  909 2 014  100.0 10.2 26.0 51.7 12.1
Other upper secondary education programmes 4 326  445 1 058 2 050  326  447  100.0 11.5 27.3 52.8 8.4
Folk high schools 2 131  263  659  734 48  427  100.0 15.4 38.7 43.1 2.8
Labour market courses 3 049 55  233 1 086  535 1 140  100.0 2.9 12.2 56.9 28.0
Females 13 095  977 2 809 5 724 1 221 2 364  100.0 9.1 26.2 53.3 11.4
Other upper secondary education programmes 5 892  466 1 429 2 922  474  601  100.0 8.8 27.0 55.2 9.0
Folk high schools 3 699  463 1 181 1 570 90  395  100.0 14.0 35.7 47.5 2.7
Labour market courses 3 504 48  199 1 232  657 1 368  100.0 2.2 9.3 57.7 30.8
1  Upper secondary education programmes not under the Upper secondary education Act which are neither folk high schools nor labour market courses.
2  Unknown figures are not included in calculation of percentages.

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