Education statistics. Pupils in folk high schools, labour market courses, etc.

7   Pupils1 in other upper secondary education programmes and labour marker courses, by field of study and gender. 1st October 2001. Preliminary figures
Field of study and gender Total Males Females
Other upper secondary education programmes Labour market courses Other upper secondary education programmes Labour market courses Other upper secondary education programmes Labour market courses
Field of study 10 218 6 553 4 326 3 049 5 892 3 504
General programmes  756 1 643  337  730  419  913
Humanities and Arts 3 536 86 1 104 35 2 432 51
Education and teacher training 84 2 59 2 25 -
Social sciences and law  316 -  153 -  163 -
Economics and administrative subjects 1 080 1 135  158  346  922  789
Science, trade craft and technical subjects 2 592 2 506 1 593 1 581  999  925
Health, welfare and sports  683  839  101 83  582  756
Agriculture, fishing and forestry - 15 - 12 - 3
Transport, communications, security and other services 1 171  261  821  237  350 24
Unknown - 66 - 23 - 43
1  Upper secondary education programmes not under the Upper secondary education Act which are neither folk high schools nor labour market courses.

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