Education statistics. Pupils in folk high schools, labour market courses, etc.

8   Candidates who completed other upper secondary education programmes1, by gender and field of study. 1st October 2001. Preliminary figures. Per cent
Field of study Total Males Females
Total Total Not completed Completed Total Not completed Completed
Field of study 10 945 4 765 26.0 74.0 6 180 20.3 79.7
General programmes 65 38 -  100.0 27 7.4 92.6
Humanities and Arts 2 883  868 14.3 85.7 2 015 12.3 87.7
Education and teacher training 87 67 13.4 86.6 20 5.0 95.0
Social sciences and Law  315  154 25.3 74.7  161 27.3 72.7
Economics and administrative subjects 1 504  160 40.0 60.0 1 344 24.3 75.7
Science, trade craft and technical subjects 4 483 2 615 36.1 63.9 1 868 28.6 71.4
Health, welfare and sports  298 10 20.0 80.0  288 23.3 76.7
Transport, communications, security and other services 1 310  853 6.6 93.4  457 7.7 92.3
1  Upper secondary education programmes not under the Upper secondary education Act which are neither folk high schools nor labour market courses.

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