Education statistics. Pupils and students

1   Pupils and students by parents educational level and type of school. 1 October 2001. Per cent
Type of school Parents' educational level Percentage of parents' educational level
Total Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education Unknown Total Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education Unknown
Total  411 854 47 369  108 845  207 339 27 838 20 463  100.0 11.5 26.4 50.3 6.8 5.0
Upper secondary, general subjects 92 706 13 520 31 022 42 097 3 653 2 414  100.0 14.6 33.5 45.4 3.9 2.6
Upper secondary, vocational subjects1 70 214 2 469 12 871 47 900 5 698 1 276  100.0 3.5 18.3 68.2 8.1 1.8
Other fields of study1 10 058  856 2 343 4 873  857 1 129  100.0 8.5 23.3 48.4 8.5 11.2
Folk high school 5 710  713 1 799 2 243  135  820  100.0 12.5 31.5 39.3 2.4 14.4
Labour market courses 6 227 89  401 2 192 1 142 2 403  100.0 1.4 6.4 35.2 18.3 38.6
Apprentices 29 325  780 4 822 20 780 2 549  394  100.0 2.7 16.4 70.9 8.7 1.3
Universities 81 358 19 386 26 111 26 603 2 890 6 368  100.0 23.8 32.1 32.7 3.6 7.8
State colleges 90 264 6 816 22 833 47 770 8 717 4 128  100.0 7.6 25.3 52.9 9.7 4.6
Military colleges  574 92  190  264 24 4  100.0 16.0 33.1 46.0 4.2 0.7
Other colleges 25 418 2 648 6 453 12 617 2 173 1 527  100.0 10.4 25.4 49.6 8.5 6.0
1  Other fields of study have earlier been included in Upper secondary, vocational subjects.

Explanation of symbols