Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Pupils and students

1   Pupils and students by parents educational level and type of school. 1 October 2002. Per cent
Type of school Parents' educational level Percentage of parents' educational level
Total2 Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education Unknown Total Tertiary education of more than 4 years duration Tertiary education of up to 4 years duration Upper secondary education Below Upper Secondary education Unknown
Total  429 595 49 476  116 209  215 263 27 420 21 227  100.0 11.5 27.1 50.1 6.4 4.9
Upper secondary, general subjects 88 806 13 469 30 678 39 605 2 871 2 183  100.0 15.2 34.5 44.6 3.2 2.5
Upper secondary, vocational subjects1 78 583 2 913 15 016 52 728 6 171 1 755  100.0 3.7 19.1 67.1 7.9 2.2
Other fields of study1 9 580  873 2 233 4 487  819 1 168  100.0 9.1 23.3 46.8 8.5 12.2
Folk high school 5 713  744 1 861 2 172  120  816  100.0 13.0 32.6 38.0 2.1 14.3
Labour market courses 5 408  109  340 1 956  941 2 062  100.0 2.0 6.3 36.2 17.4 38.1
Apprentices 29 085  855 5 052 20 555 2 233  390  100.0 2.9 17.4 70.7 7.7 1.3
Universities 80 559 19 025 26 615 26 276 2 715 5 928  100.0 23.6 33.0 32.6 3.4 7.4
State colleges 94 339 7 331 24 114 49 332 8 801 4 761  100.0 7.8 25.6 52.3 9.3 5.0
Military colleges  681  105  212  343 21 -  100.0 15.4 31.1 50.4 3.1 -
Other colleges 36 841 4 052 10 088 17 809 2 728 2 164  100.0 11.0 27.4 48.3 7.4 5.9
1  Other fields of study have earlier been included in Upper secondary, vocational subjects.
2  Part of the increase in the number of students in higher education is due to the inclusion of about 8 000 students registered at so called ' business courses' at the Norwegian School of Management.

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