Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Pupils and students

2   Pupils and students, by age, gender and type of college. 1 October 2002
Gender and type of college Total1 Age
-15 16-18 19-24 25-29 30-34 -35
Pupils and students, total  429 595  585  146 309  140 891 55 425 28 420 57 965
Folk high schools 5 713 - 1 104 4 305  126 58  120
Upper secondary schools  211 462  581  144 986 42 920 7 316 5 231 10 428
Colleges  131 861 3 95 55 458 24 479 15 472 36 354
Universities 80 559 1  124 38 208 23 504 7 659 11 063
Males  196 904  195 74 530 65 735 25 807 11 574 19 063
Folk high schools 2 018 -  445 1 386 79 33 75
Upper secondary schools  109 548  193 74 006 25 465 3 649 2 272 3 963
Colleges 49 577 1 42 22 336 10 586 5 671 10 941
Universities 35 761 1 37 16 548 11 493 3 598 4 084
Females  232 691  390 71 779 75 156 29 618 16 846 38 902
Folk high schools 3 695 -  659 2 919 47 25 45
Upper secondary schools  101 914  388 70 980 17 455 3 667 2 959 6 465
Colleges 82 284 2 53 33 122 13 893 9 801 25 413
Universities 44 798 - 87 21 660 12 011 4 061 6 979
1  Part of the increase in the number of students in higher education is due to the inclusion of about 8 000 students registered at so called ' business courses' at the Norwegian School of Management.

Explanation of symbols