Statistics Norway

Foreign-controlled enterprises' activity in Norway, structural statistics

4 Enterprises under foreign control1, 2, by country of ultimate owner3.2007
  Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Personell costs Turnover Production value Value added at factor cost Total purchases of goods and services Purchases of goods purchased for resale in the same condition as received Gross investment4
      NOK million
Total 4 979  281 634  143 137 1 094 997  820 420  361 876  720 502  281 839 48 363
Nordic contries 2 521  125 001 57 889  332 435  224 198 83 166  240 286  110 655 7 836
EU-15 4 020  204 125  100 577  704 388  507 164  213 217  480 656  202 572 33 181
OECD contries 4 775  277 972  141 253 1 079 797  806 269  358 065  708 941  280 706 45 533
United States  478 51 814 30 317  292 270  232 692  125 425  163 150 60 367 10 151
Sweden 1 574 76 463 35 754  210 921  143 389 51 931  158 015 69 060 5 659
France  171 15 813 9 258 92 072 78 974 50 716 42 514 13 501 1 869
Great Britain and N-Ireland  599 27 618 16 080  100 463 79 568 25 479 76 473 21 993 5 790
Netherlands  252 17 551 7 534 97 032 65 470 24 511 67 542 31 975 9 651
Denmark  722 32 606 14 059 72 419 54 247 19 983 44 077 18 711 1 168
Italy 34  814  672 21 189 19 470 13 806 7 277 1 595 69
Germany  285 14 841 7 958 53 350 32 898 13 270 41 292 21 457 6 937
Finland  191 15 312 7 661 47 004 25 165 10 760 36 560 22 160  946
Switzerland  140 16 511 7 084 28 725 21 142 9 736 19 988 8 199  494
Japan5 31 1 349  841 15 168 8 417 4 488 10 867 6 952  467
Canada 5 36 2 904 1 651 34 333 34 208 4 214 30 176  172 1 146
1  Subsidiary enterprises under direct or indirect control by foreign enterprises.
2  Sections E Electricity, gas and water supply and J Financial intermediation are not included.
3  The enterprise in the ownership chain which is not controlled by another enterprise.
4  Aquistion of tangible assets (ev fixed).
5  Corrected 12. January 2010

Explanation of symbols