Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Primary and lower secondary schools

1 Primary and lower secondary schools. Pupils in primary and lower secondary school. School years 1979/80-2007/08
School year Schools, total Type of school Pupils
Primary schools Combined primary and lower secondary schools Lower secondary schools Total Primary school1 Lower secondary school1 Pupils in other classes2
1979/80 3 500 2 464  570  466      593 767  395 123  195 785 2 859
1980/81 3 518 2 454  598  466  591 323  390 758  197 800 2 765
1981/82 3 526 2 439  609  478  586 141  384 121  199 392 2 628
1982/83 3 539 2 435  623  481  576 910  373 155  200 757 2 998
1983/84 3 543 2 408  646  489  565 497  362 146  199 656 3 695
1984/85 3 540 2 383  667  490  550 136  347 768  198 111 4 257
1985/86 3 525 2 374  667  484  534 000  335 373  195 058 3 569
1986/87 3 509 2 349  672  488  519 867  325 577  191 771 2 519
1987/88 3 500 2 331  678  491  505 942  317 228  186 454 2 260
1988/89 3 475 2 308  676  491  492 769  312 384  178 924 1 461
1989/90 3 442 2 280  674  488  482 964  310 600  171 130 1 234
1990/91 3 406 2 253  667  486  473 078  309 432  162 347 1 299
1991/92 3 389 2 242  660  487  467 501  308 516  157 993  922
1992/93 3 352 2 208  659  485  463 309  307 461  155 621 3 227
1993/94 3 325 2 172  669  484  466 605  309 889  156 485 3 231
1994/95 3 308 2 147  674  487  470 779  314 062  156 693 324
1995/96 3 285 2 129  675  481  477 236  320 752  156 484 -
1996/974 3 308 2 145  673  490  487 398  330 619  155 623 -
1997/98 3 273 2 088  700  485  558 247  401 640  155 112 1 495
1998/99 3 277 2 086  706  485  569 044  411 878  155 387 1 779
1999/00 3 272 2 075  709  487  580 261  419 805  158 279 2 177
2000/01 3 260 2 066  705  489  590 471  426 475  162 040 1 956
2001/02 3 248 2 051  709  488  599 492  429 445  168 095 1 952
2002/03 3 237 2 045  701  491  610 297  432 618  175 121 2 558
2003/04 3 209 1 999  717  493  617 577  432 345  181 934 3 298
2004/05 3 189 1 982  720  487  618 250  429 652  185 866 2 732
2005/06 3 160 1 943  737  480  619 650  429 109  187 848 2 693
2006/07 3 129 1 899  756  474  618 713  430 505  188 208 -
2007/08 3 102 1 859  766  477  616 388  428 650  187 738 -
1  From 1979/80 to 1996/97 primary school contained 1st-6th grade and lower secondary school 7th - 9th grade. From 1997/98 primary school contains 1st-7th grade and lower secondary school 8th-10th grade.
2  Pupils in other groups are included in the total number of pupils from 2006/2007. Pupils in 10th grade 1979/80-1996/97. Pupils in special classes and foreign language classes from 1997/98.
3  Pupils in 10th grade coverd by the school budget of the local authority.
4  1996/97 pupils at Norwegian schools abroad and pupils in special classes and pupils in foreign language classes are included.

Explanation of symbols