Education statistics. Apprentices

6   Apprenticeship examination candidates by gender, type of education and results. Preliminary figures. 1st October 1999-30th September 2000
Gender and type of education Total Passed Failed
    Per cent
Males and females 23 727 93,6 6,4
General, economics and management studies 1 840 97,4 2,6
Health and social studies 4 588 92,9 7,1
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 351 93,4 6,6
Arts, crafts and designs 1 516 87,9 12,1
Hotel and food processing trades 2 256 91,5 8,5
Building and construction trades 2 624 94,9 5,1
Technical building trades 827 87,5 12,5
Electrical trades 3 337 94,3 5,7
Engineering and mechanical trades 5 546 94,9 5,1
Chemical and processing trades 302 98,7 1,3
Woodworking trades 540 93,1 6,9
Males 15 129 94,0 6,0
General, economics and management studies 230 96,1 3,9
Health and social studies 644 94,3 5,7
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 322 93,5 6,5
Arts, crafts and designs 184 84,8 15,2
Hotel and food processing trades 1 179 92,1 7,9
Building and construction trades 2 606 94,9 5,1
Technical building trades 806 87,3 12,7
Electrical trades 3 269 94,2 5,8
Engineering and mechanical trades 5 226 94,9 5,1
Chemical and processing trades 205 98,5 1,5
Woodworking trades 458 94,8 5,2
Females 8 598 92,9 7,1
General, economics and management studies 1 610 97,6 2,4
Health and social studies 3 944 92,7 7,3
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 29 93,1 6,9
Arts, crafts and designs 1 332 88,3 11,7
Hotel and food processing trades 1 077 90,9 9,1
Building and construction trades 18 88,9 11,1
Technical building trades 21 95,2 4,8
Electrical trades 68 100,0 -
Engineering and mechanical trades 320 95,3 4,7
Chemical and processing trades 97 99,0 1,0
Woodworking trades 82 84,1 15,9

Explanation of symbols