Statistics Norway

Education level in the population

9 Norwegian born with immigrant parents 16 years and over, by sex, field of education and level of education
  Total Below upper secondary education Upper secondary education1 Tertiary education, short2 Tertiary education, long 3 Unknown level
Total 29 455 14 099 8 602 4 140 1 575 1 039
General subjects 19 002 14 094 4 907 1 - -
Humanities and Arts  778 -  286  394 98 -
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  415 - -  383 32 -
Social sciences and Law  826 -  118  505  203 -
Business and Administration 2 038 -  732 1 097  209 -
Natural sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects 2 370 2 1 250  761  357 -
Health, Welfare and Sport 2 498 2  988  865  643 -
Primary Industries 44 - 34 4 6 -
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services  365 -  272 86 7 -
Unknown 1 119 1 15 44 20 1 039
Males 15 202 7 900 4 221 1 738  797  546
General subjects 10 177 7 898 2 278 1 - -
Humanities and Arts  274 - 94  134 46 -
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 83 - - 74 9 -
Social sciences and Law  321 - 69  175 77 -
Business and Administration  951 -  287  550  114 -
Natural sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects 1 976 - 1 168  552  256 -
Health, Welfare and Sport  652 1  204  171  276 -
Primary Industries 27 - 23 - 4 -
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services  164 - 93 66 5 -
Unknown  577 1 5 15 10  546
Females 14 253 6 199 4 381 2 402  778  493
General subjects 8 825 6 196 2 629 - - -
Humanities and Arts  504 -  192  260 52 -
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  332 - -  309 23 -
Social sciences and Law  505 - 49  330  126 -
Business and Administration 1 087 -  445  547 95 -
Natural sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects  394 2 82  209  101 -
Health, Welfare and Sport 1 846 1  784  694  367 -
Primary Industries 17 - 11 4 2 -
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services  201 -  179 20 2 -
Unknown  542 - 10 29 10  493
1  Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
2  Tertiary education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
3  Tertiary education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.

Explanation of symbols