Statistics Norway

Education level in the population

10 Immigrants 16 years and over, by level of education, gender and age. 2011
  Total No completed education Below upper secondary education Upper secondary education1 Tertiary education, short2 Tertiary education, long 3 Unknown education
Total  490 707 8 585  117 670  121 403 90 682 51 317  101 050
16-19 years 19 613 4 13 274  995 1 - 5 339
20-24 years 40 724  378 11 669 10 958 4 160  488 13 071
25-29 years 70 934  826 13 682 13 668 13 587 7 277 21 894
30-34 years 76 161  922 15 144 15 744 14 325 10 543 19 483
35-39 years 66 420  914 13 389 16 948 12 434 8 639 14 096
40-49 years  105 658 1 880 23 530 30 250 21 191 12 081 16 726
50-59 years 61 400 1 600 14 199 17 136 14 265 7 144 7 056
60-66 years 23 115  799 5 808 6 558 5 643 2 783 1 524
67 years and above 26 682 1 262 6 975 9 146 5 076 2 362 1 861
Males  255 368 2 998 59 665 67 291 39 468 25 949 59 997
16-19 years 10 764 4 7 155  397 - - 3 208
20-24 years 19 479  173 6 472 4 908 1 488  198 6 240
25-29 years 35 037  349 7 235 7 244 5 172 3 050 11 987
30-34 years 39 168  388 7 385 8 916 5 912 4 854 11 713
35-39 years 35 501  308 6 256 10 006 5 412 4 392 9 127
40-49 years 58 160  635 11 754 18 065 9 963 6 496 11 247
50-59 years 33 880  538 7 325 10 281 6 936 3 958 4 842
60-66 years 12 335  254 3 101 3 738 2 729 1 602  911
67 years and above 11 044  349 2 982 3 736 1 856 1 399  722
Females  235 339 5 587 58 005 54 112 51 214 25 368 41 053
16-19 years 8 849 - 6 119  598 1 - 2 131
20-24 years 21 245  205 5 197 6 050 2 672  290 6 831
25-29 years 35 897  477 6 447 6 424 8 415 4 227 9 907
30-34 years 36 993  534 7 759 6 828 8 413 5 689 7 770
35-39 years 30 919  606 7 133 6 942 7 022 4 247 4 969
40-49 years 47 498 1 245 11 776 12 185 11 228 5 585 5 479
50-59 years 27 520 1 062 6 874 6 855 7 329 3 186 2 214
60-66 years 10 780  545 2 707 2 820 2 914 1 181  613
67 years and above 15 638  913 3 993 5 410 3 220  963 1 139
1  Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
2  Tertiary education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
3  Tertiary education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.

Explanation of symbols