Statistics Norway

Students in universities and colleges

3   Students in tertiary education in Norway and Norwegian students abroad by gender and field of education. 1 October 1995, 2004 og 2005 (Corrected 27 June 2006 at 1100)
Field of education Total Men Women
1995 2004 2005 1995 2004 2005 1995 2004 2005
Total  181 736  224 158  223 607 79 941 90 870 90 196  101 795  133 288  133 411
General Programmes1 43 1 341 1 480 13 1 119 1 207 30  222  273
Humanities and Arts 34 176 31 383 32 253 12 752 11 652 11 855 21 424 19 731 20 398
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 28 975 31 393 30 430 7 426 7 742 7 818 21 549 23 651 22 612
Social Sciences and Law 25 493 30 597 31 657 10 966 12 145 12 499 14 527 18 452 19 158
Business and administration 28 251 41 284 40 311 15 647 19 853 19 077 12 604 21 431 21 234
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 31 868 35 823 34 105 23 166 25 016 23 637 8 702 10 807 10 468
Health, welfare and sport 27 428 46 945 48 000 6 359 10 285 10 919 21 069 36 660 37 081
Primary industries 1 861 1 343 1 234 1 090  671  620  771  672  614
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 2 699 2 565 2 978 2 047 1 755 2 083  652  810  895
Unspecified field of study  942 1 484 1 159  475  632  481  467  852  678
Students in Norwayl  173 140  211 001  211 264 75 734 85 144 84 967 97 406  125 857  126 297
General Programmes1 43 1 341 1 480 13 1 119 1 207 30  222  273
Humanities and Arts 32 711 28 893 29 924 12 248 10 761 11 018 20 463 18 132 18 906
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 28 814 31 178 30 232 7 388 7 698 7 778 21 426 23 480 22 454
Social Sciences and Law 25 493 30 597 31 657 10 966 12 145 12 499 14 527 18 452 19 158
Business and administration 25 430 36 653 36 271 14 153 17 630 17 218 11 277 19 023 19 053
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 30 286 34 227 32 693 21 942 24 010 22 803 8 344 10 217 9 890
Health, welfare and sport 25 391 43 294 44 183 5 578 8 912 9 434 19 813 34 382 34 749
Primary industries 1 825 1 269 1 159 1 074  656  607  751  613  552
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 2 338 2 170 2 588 1 956 1 622 1 950  382  548  638
Unspecified field of study  809 1 379 1 077  416  591  453  393  788  624
Norwegian students abroad 8 596 13 157 12 343 4 207 5 726 5 229 4 389 7 431 7 114
General Programmes1 . . . . . . . . .
Humanities and Arts 1 465 2 490 2 329  504  891  837  961 1 599 1 492
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  161  215  198 38 44 40  123  171  158
Social Sciences, Law, Business and administration 2 821 4 631 4 040 1 494 2 223 1 859 1 327 2 408 2 181
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 1 582 1 596 1 412 1 224 1 006  834  358  590  578
Health, welfare and sport 2 037 3 651 3 817  781 1 373 1 485 1 256 2 278 2 332
Primary industries 36 74 75 16 15 13 20 59 62
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services  361  395  390 91  133  133  270  262  257
Unspecified field of study  133  105 82 59 41 28 74 64 54
Bridging course to university or university college education.

Explanation of symbols