Statistics Norway

Students in universities and colleges

1 Students, by gender, type of institution, ownership and educational institution . 1 October 2008 and 20091. Preliminary figures
Type of college, ownership and educational institution Total Men Women
2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009
Total  214 490  221 614 83 469 87 033  131 021  134 581
All universities and specialised university institutions  111 763  117 593 48 992 51 451 62 771 66 142
Public 90 860 96 732 39 024 41 471 51 836 55 261
Universities 85 035 90 779 35 985 38 399 49 050 52 380
University of Oslo 26 922 27 685 10 309 10 639 16 613 17 046
University of Bergen 13 851 13 961 5 558 5 590 8 293 8 371
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 19 554 20 171 10 285 10 625 9 269 9 546
University of Tromsø3 5 432 8 251 2 193 3 207 3 239 5 044
University of Stavanger 8 167 8 873 3 223 3 553 4 944 5 320
University of Agder 8 177 8 670 3 171 3 438 5 006 5 232
Norwegian University of Life Sciences 2 932 3 168 1 246 1 347 1 686 1 821
Specialised university institutions 5 825 5 953 3 039 3 072 2 786 2 881
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 3 024 3 040 1 803 1 817 1 221 1 223
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 1 186 1 228  579  606  607  622
Norwegian Academy of Music  578  635  263  278  315  357
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science  468  477 97 81  371  396
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design  569  573  297  290  272  283
Private 20 903 20 861 9 968 9 980 10 935 10 881
Specialised university institustions 20 903 20 861 9 968 9 980 10 935 10 881
MF Norwegian School of Theology  917  897  422  376  495  521
Norwegian School of Management1 19 708 19 638 9 441 9 484 10 267 10 154
School of Mission and Theologyt1  278  326  105  120  173  206
All university colleges  102 727  104 021 34 477 35 582 68 250 68 439
Public 92 046 92 046 31 896 31 896 60 150 60 150
The state university colleges2 88 574 89 677 29 687 30 805 58 887 58 872
Østfold University College 4 225 4 431 1 412 1 541 2 813 2 890
Akershus University College 3 656 3 821  943  983 2 713 2 838
Oslo University College 11 879 12 334 3 631 3 696 8 248 8 638
Hedmark University College 5 668 5 479 1 682 1 773 3 986 3 706
Gjøvik University College 2 221 2 474  945 1 170 1 267 1 304
Lillehammer University College 3 825 4 105 1 220 1 364 2 605 2 741
Buskerud University College 3 268 3 434 1 154 1 254 2 114 2 180
Vestfold University College 4 496 5 215 1 586 1 898 2 910 3 317
Telemark University College 5 629 5 566 1 842 1 927 3 787 3 639
Stord/Haugesund University College 2 730 2 993  894  946 1 836 2 047
Bergen University College 6 724 7 179 2 397 2 474 4 327 4 705
Sogn og Fjordane University College 2 963 3 183  828  937 2 135 2 246
Molde University College 1 782 1 759  660  669 1 122 1 090
Ålesund University College 1 800 1 967  701  782 1 099 1 185
Volda University College 3 034 3 114  832  899 2 202 2 215
Sør-Trøndelag University College 7 170 7 541 3 210 3 374 3 960 4 167
Nord-Trøndelag University College 4 360 4 153 1 460 1 455 2 900 2 698
Bodø University College 5 147 5 247 1 644 1 785 3 503 3 462
Narvik University College 1 126 1 280  710  795  416  485
Nesna University College 1 107  941  329  259  778  682
Harstad University College 1 368 1 529  300  341 1 068 1 188
Tromsø University College3 2 438 .  776 . 1 662 .
Finnmark University College 1 848 1 799  496  447 1 352 1 352
Saami University College  110  133 26 36 84 97
Military colleges  801 1 006  722  882 79  124
Other Public university colleges 2 671 2 037 1 487 1 096 1 184  941
The Norwegian Police University College4 1 878 1 231 1 199  803  679  428
Bergen National Academy of the Arts  314  311  110  121  204  190
Oslo National Academy of the Arts  479  495  178  172  301  323
Private 10 681 11 301 2 581 2 799 8 100 8 502
Other Private university colleges1 10 681 11 301 2 581 2 799 8 100 8 502
1  Norwegian School of Management and School of Mission and Theology obtain status as specialized universitiesas as of the 1st of june 2008.
2  The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
3  Tromsø's University College and University of Tromsø has been merged as of 1 january 2009.
4  Preliminary report from The Norwegian Police University College is incomplete.

Explanation of symbols