Statistics Norway

Students in universities and colleges

3 Students in tertiary education in Norway and Norwegian students abroad, by gender and field of education. 1 October 2000, 2009 og 2010
Fields of Education Absolute figures Per cent
Total Men Women
2000 2009 2010 2000 2009 2010 2000 2009 2010
Total  199 930  235 300  241 302 40.5 39.4 39.8 59.5 60.6 60.2
General Programmes1  204 1 750 1 734 75.5 80.9 82.4 24.5 19.1 17.6
Humanities and Arts 31 157 28 445 28 367 36.1 36.5 37.3 63.9 63.5 62.7
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 30 862 32 131 33 532 22.2 23.8 24.2 77.8 76.2 75.8
Social Sciences and Law2 24 504 32 860 33 629 39.8 38.0 37.4 60.2 62.0 62.6
Business and Administration2 31 859 43 003 44 726 48.3 45.9 46.3 51.7 54.1 53.7
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects 37 909 37 058 39 128 68.5 67.1 67.8 31.5 32.9 32.2
Health, Welfare and Sport 37 292 52 590 53 161 20.7 22.3 22.4 79.3 77.7 77.6
Primary Industries 1 660 1 139 1 211 56.3 49.6 53.7 43.7 50.4 46.3
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 3 492 4 715 4 224 69.7 66.8 68.1 30.3 33.2 31.9
Unspecified field of education  991 1 609 1 590 49.4 41.0 39.3 50.6 59.0 60.7
Students in Norway  186 002  222 920  227 747 40.3 39.3 39.8 59.7 60.7 60.2
General Programmes1  204 1 750 1 734 75.5 80.9 82.4 24.5 19.1 17.6
Humanities and Arts 28 945 26 604 26 339 36.3 36.9 37.8 63.7 63.1 62.2
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 30 682 31 948 33 342 22.3 23.8 24.2 77.7 76.2 75.8
Social Sciences and Law2 24 504 30 721 31 150 39.8 38.3 37.9 60.2 61.7 62.1
Business and Administration2 26 584 40 570 42 000 48.2 45.6 46.0 51.8 54.4 54.0
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects 36 173 35 711 37 712 68.5 67.6 68.4 31.5 32.4 31.6
Health, Welfare and Sport 33 540 48 325 48 648 19.3 20.8 20.9 80.7 79.2 79.1
Primary Industries 1 594 1 097 1 178 57.2 51.0 54.9 42.8 49.0 45.1
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 2 860 4 587 4 055 79.3 67.6 69.1 20.7 32.4 30.9
Unspecified field of education  916 1 607 1 589 48.4 41.0 39.3 51.6 59.0 60.7
Norwegian students abroad 13 928 12 380 13 555 43.3 40.7 40.0 56.7 59.3 60.0
General Programmes1                  
Humanities and Arts 2 212 1 841 2 028 33.0 30.7 30.6 67.0 69.3 69.4
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  180  183  190 18.9 30.1 30.5 81.1 69.9 69.5
Social Sciences and Law2 . 2 139 2 479 . 32.8 30.6 . 67.2 69.4
Business and Administration2 5 275 2 433 2 726 48.8 51.0 51.0 51.2 49.0 49.0
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical subjects 1 736 1 347 1 416 68.8 53.7 53.0 31.2 46.3 47.0
Health, Welfare and Sport 3 752 4 265 4 513 33.9 39.6 39.1 66.1 60.4 60.9
Primary Industries 66 42 33 33.3 14.3 9.1 66.7 85.7 90.9
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services  632  128  169 26.3 39.1 46.2 73.7 60.9 53.8
Unspecified field of education 75 2 1 62.7     37.3  100.0  100.0
1  Includes preparatory courses for university or university college education.
2  A more detailed coding of education abroad makes the numbers less comparable in and between fields of education over time.

Explanation of symbols