Education statistics. Pupils in upper secondary schools

4   Pupils in Upper Secondary Education, by gender and field of study. 1 October 2002. Preliminary figures
Field of study Total Males Females Per cent females
All fields of studies  168 287 82 937 85 350 50.7
General subjects 88 447 40 936 47 511 53.7
General, economics and management studies 77 138 35 814 41 324 53.6
Music, dance and drama 4 841 1 259 3 582 74.0
Sports and physical studies 6 468 3 863 2 605 40.3
Vocational educational studies 79 840 42 001 37 839 47.4
Health- and social studies 16 771 1 388 15 383 91.7
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 3 975 1 890 2 085 52.5
Arts, crafts and designs 12 274 1 806 10 468 85.3
Hotel and foodprocessing trades 6 544 2 804 3 740 57.2
Building and construction trades 6 262 6 163 99 1.6
Technical building 2 245 2 027  218 9.7
Electrical trades 9 498 9 095  403 4.2
Engineering and mechanical trades 10 448 9 914  534 5.1
Chemical and processing trades  902  632  270 29.9
Media and communication trades 3 019 1 239 1 780 59.0
Retail and service trades 3 986 1 523 2 463 61.8
Woodworking trades  647  524  123 19.0
Technical vocational school 3 124 2 974  150 4.8
Not stated  145 22  123 84.8

Explanation of symbols