Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

1 Statistics on turnover for the water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.Turnover exclusive value added tax. January-February 2012. NOK million
Industry subclass January and February 2012 Change.
January-February 2011-
January-February 2012
Change in per cent
January and February 2011-
January and February 2012
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 3 813  339 9.8
36.0Water collection, treatment and supply  140 83  145.6
37.0Sewerage  160 20 14.3
38.1Waste collection 1 394 37 2.7
38.11Collection of non-hazardous waste 1 280 31 2.5
38.12Collection of hazardous waste  113 5 4.6
38.2Waste treatment and disposal  470 57 13.8
38.21Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste  268 12 4.7
38.22Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste  202 45 28.7
38.3Materials recovery 1 542  125 8.8
38.31Dismantling of wrecks 8 4  100.0
38.32Recovering of sorted materials 1 534  121 8.6
39.00Remediation activites and other waste management services  108 17 18.7
Industry subclass Total 2011 January and February 2011 March and April 2011 May and June 2011 July and August 2011 September and October 2011 November and December 2011
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 22 909 3 474 3 841 3 884 3 682 4 135 3 891
36.0Water collection, treatment and supply  442 57 89 68 69 83 76
37.0Sewerage 1 139  140  190  191  185  233  200
38.1Waste collection 9 136 1 357 1 495 1 592 1 540 1 706 1 446
38.11Collection of non-hazardous waste 8 349 1 249 1 372 1 461 1 405 1 569 1 293
38.12Collection of hazardous waste  788  108  124  132  134  137  153
38.2Waste treatment and disposal 2 699  413  454  464  429  467  472
38.21Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste 1 589  256  276  271  257  270  259
38.22Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste 1 112  157  179  193  173  197  213
38.3Materials recovery 8 895 1 417 1 456 1 504 1 372 1 570 1 576
38.31Dismantling of wrecks 33 4 5 5 5 7 7
38.32Recovering of sorted materials 8 861 1 413 1 451 1 499 1 366 1 563 1 569
39.00Remediation activites and other waste management services  598 91  157 65 88 75  122

Explanation of symbols