Statistics Norway

Adult education survey

1 Participation in formal education and non-formal training in the last 12 months in the population 25-64 years, by gender, age, level of education and self-defined labour status. Per cent. 2007
  Participated in formal education in the last 12 months Participated in non-formal training in the last 12 months
  Yes No Yes No
All 25-64 years 10 90 51 49
Males 8 92 50 50
Females 12 88 51 49
Age group        
25-34 years 21 79 56 44
35-49 years 9 91 53 47
50-64 years 3 97 44 56
Educational attainment level        
Basic school level or no completed education 6 94 36 64
Upper secondary education 7 93 48 52
Tertiary education 17 83 66 34
Self-defined labour status        
Employed 8 92 58 42
Not employed 18 82 20 80

Explanation of symbols