Statistics Norway

Adult education survey

7 People stating various main reasons for why they didn't participate (more) in education and training in the last 12 months, as a percentage of the population 25-64 years who wanted to participate (more), by gender, age and economic activity. Per cent. 2007
  Did not have the prerequisites Could not afford it Lack of employer's support/employer lacked resources Didn't have time due to job responsibilities Didn't have time due to family responsibilities There was no training offered at the reachable distance Not confident with the idea of going back to something like school Health or age made participation difficult Other reasons
All 25-64 years 2 8 19 26 15 9 1 9 11
Males 3 6 15 33 11 9 2 8 12
Females 2 9 23 19 18 8 1 10 10
Age group                  
25-34 years 5 8 14 23 18 10 2 7 13
35-49 years 2 8 19 28 18 8 1 8 8
50-64 years 1 8 24 24 7 9 1 11 14
Economic activity                  
Primary industries 5 0 19 44 17 13 0 3 0
Mining and quarrying 0 0 10 58 13 0 12 0 7
Manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply 5 10 23 33 9 6 1 3 10
Construction 4 1 20 43 16 10 0 0 6
Wholesale and retail trade 2 9 12 29 22 10 1 4 11
Hotels and restaurants 3 18 4 23 20 10 3 11 8
Transportation, storage and communication 3 9 8 26 20 10 0 5 19
Financial intermediation, real estate and other business activities 1 5 6 45 18 6 1 4 14
Public administration 4 0 29 27 19 13 0 0 8
Education 1 6 28 25 18 11 1 2 7
Health and social work and other community, social and personal service activities 2 9 31 21 11 9 2 5 11

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