Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Adult education organized by popular education organizations

3 Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subject. 2011
Subject Courses Participants Lessons
Total Male Female Total
$2011 total 42 606  470 673  205 779  264 894 1 397 595
Language studies 2 209 16 353 5 827 10 526 76 189
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 18 100  219 361 84 150  135 211  712 407
Humanities, philosophy and ethics 3 104 31 657 13 933 17 724 98 348
Social sciences 1 059 10 566 3 365 7 201 31 121
Organization and management 7 787 87 828 44 308 43 520  187 602
Business and ICT  997 6 648 2 375 4 273 29 094
Health, social and sports 4 805 46 846 16 857 29 989  117 803
Transport and communication  520 5 944 3 954 1 990 11 783
Science, industry and technical subjects  756 15 678 12 670 3 008 27 035
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 3 035 28 230 17 902 10 328 96 875
Goods and services  234 1 562  438 1 124 9 338

Explanation of symbols