Statistics Norway

Mutual funds statistics. Quarterly

4 Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of fund on 30 June 2012. NOK million
  Equity funds Hybrid funds Bond funds Money-market funds Other bond funds Other funds Total
Total  283 842 19 203  113 929 96 590 33 869 2 923  550 356
Non-financial corporations 15 305 2 944 5 778 12 776 6 659  501 43 963
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government - - - - - - -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government 43 5  181 1 475  110 - 1 814
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government 14 - 12 4 - - 30
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government  231 39  201  258 64 5  798
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises 13 904 2 820 4 289 9 537 5 844  496 36 890
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises 36 14 5 16 16 - 87
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises 1 077 66 1 090 1 486  625 - 4 344
Financial corporations  127 732 2 593 94 111 60 020 15 173 1 170  300 799
Norges Bank - - - - - - -
Banks 1 161  144  783 3 914 1 591  279 7 872
Mortgage companies - - - - - - -
Finance companies - - - - - - -
State lending institutions etc. - -  871  435 - - 1 306
Financial holding companies 45 11 - - 54 -  110
Mutual funds 31 835 61 11 572 14 503 1 590 2 59 563
Investment trusts and private equity funds 3 - -  547  225 9  784
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds 7 618 1 352 3 273 4 691 2 052  182 19 168
Life insurance companies and pension funds 84 057  950 75 116 34 934 8 226  697  203 980
Non-life insurance companies 3 013 75 2 496  996 1 435 1 8 016
General government 3 174 61 4 896 4 584  930 10 13 655
Central government and social security funds  108 -  264  292 48 -  712
Local government 3 066 61 4 632 4 292  882 10 12 943
Non-profit institutions serving households 7 139  230 5 007 4 720 2 448 18 19 562
Households 64 139 12 855 1 897 11 891 6 731  827 98 340
Unincorporated enterprises within households 17 2 30 10 2 2 63
Housing cooperatives etc. - - - 8 8 - 16
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc. 64 122 12 853 1 867 11 873 6 721  825 98 261
Rest of the world 66 247  511 2 224 2 401 1 900  391 73 674
Unspecified sector  106 9 16  198 28 6  363

Explanation of symbols