Statistics Norway

Mutual funds statistics. Quarterly

4 Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of fund on 30th September 2012. NOK million
  Equity funds Hybrid funds Bond funds Money-market funds Other bond funds Other funds Total
Total  297 355 19 983  125 168 96 901 38 199 3 595  581 201
Non-financial corporations 15 451 3 079 6 279 14 100 7 887  474 47 270
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government - - - - - - -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government 39 5  320 1 481  112 - 1 957
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government 16 - 12 4 - - 32
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government  209 40  210  280  113 -  852
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises 14 017 2 955 4 610 10 859 6 940  474 39 855
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises 38 13 4 16 76 -  147
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises 1 132 66 1 123 1 460  646 - 4 427
Financial corporations  135 336 2 722  103 574 59 309 17 008 1 996  319 945
Norges Bank - - - - - - -
Banks 1 343  147 1 037 4 245 2 018  345 9 135
Mortgage companies - - - - - - -
Finance companies - - - - - - -
State lending institutions etc. - -  886  406 - - 1 292
Financial holding companies 48 12 20 20 52 -  152
Mutual funds 34 236 63 12 491 13 865 1 886 4 62 545
Investment trusts and private equity funds 3 - -  432  168 -  603
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds 7 915 1 411 4 120 4 073 2 181  229 19 929
Life insurance companies and pension funds 88 851 1 013 82 275 35 290 9 100 1 418  217 947
Non-life insurance companies 2 940 76 2 745  978 1 603 - 8 342
General government 2 958 63 5 096 4 445 1 077 - 13 639
Central government and social security funds  115 -  271  172 50 -  608
Local government 2 843 63 4 825 4 273 1 027 - 13 031
Non-profit institutions serving households 7 741  211 5 511 4 873 2 570 8 20 914
Households 66 513 13 370 2 060 11 500 7 362  687  101 492
Unincorporated enterprises within households 17 2 - 9 1 - 29
Housing cooperatives etc. - - - 4 8 - 12
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc. 66 496 13 368 2 060 11 487 7 353  687  101 451
Rest of the world 69 272  527 2 636 2 585 2 283  426 77 729
Unspecified sector 84 11 12 89 12 4  212

Explanation of symbols