Statistics Norway

Manufacturing statistics, commodities

2 Sales of manufactured goods for large enterprises, manudacturing, mining and quarrying. 2007-20081. NOK 1 000
  2007 2008
05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  564 688 322  601 168 563
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying 8 112 462 8 341 862
10-33 Manufacturing  556 575 860  592 826 701
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco 92 276 877 96 299 946
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 5 210 655 4 495 447
16 Wood and wood products 20 800 921 17 432 007
17 Paper and paper products 15 945 408 15 197 056
18 Printing, reproduction 6 892 102 5 944 917
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 94 714 307  114 114 039
22 Rubber and plastic products 7 379 069 7 704 793
23 Non-metallic mineral products 19 289 523 17 923 535
24 Basic metals 77 780 327 64 917 128
25 Fabricated metal products 28 983 022 32 338 325
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment 35 694 292 42 509 319
28 Machinery and equipment 45 024 467 55 299 870
30.1 Ships, boats and oil plattforms 56 245 760 66 482 680
29-30 Transport equipment n.e.c, except 30.1 9 401 112 8 774 883
33 Repair, installation of machinery 30 193 990 32 254 924
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c. 10 744 028 11 137 832
1  A new version og Norwegian industry classification has been implemented in 2009. In this table, only the comparable prodcom-codes from the old and the new classification is included. The figures in table 2 may therefore differ from the figures in table 1.

Explanation of symbols