Statistics Norway

Manufacturing statistics, commodities

2 Sales of manufactured goods for large enterprises, manudacturing, mining and quarrying. 2008-2009. NOK 1 000
  2008 2009
$05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  638 202 841  583 245 041
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying 8 881 196 7 616 231
$10-33 Manufacturing  629 321 645  575 628 810
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco  111 217 591  115 094 481
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 4 768 041 4 068 525
16 Wood and wood products 18 111 649 14 802 194
17 Paper and paper products 15 283 144 12 428 402
18 Printing, reproduction 6 863 616 6 121 007
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.  118 138 844 95 274 224
22 Rubber and plastic products 8 166 999 7 230 802
23 Non-metallic mineral products 19 283 871 18 000 638
24 Basic metals 66 671 543 47 730 703
25 Fabricated metal products 32 673 860 32 737 705
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment 39 540 155 34 671 835
28 Machinery and equipment 55 308 971 61 122 539
30.1 Ships, boats and oil platforms 80 944 275 73 259 500
29-30 Transport equipment n.e.c, except 30.1 8 768 325 5 868 190
33 Repair, installation of machinery 33 413 805 38 209 496
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c. 10 166 956 9 008 569

Explanation of symbols