Statistics Norway

Manufacturing statistics, commodities

2 Sales of manufactured goods for large enterprises, manudacturing, mining and quarrying. 2009-2010. NOK 1 000
  2009 2010
$05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  581 474 549  602 740 945
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying 7 935 641 8 070 402
$10-33 Manufacturing  573 538 908  594 670 543
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco  116 921 489  122 965 320
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 4 233 121 4 338 870
16 Wood and wood products 14 508 638 15 948 501
17 Paper and paper products 12 317 012 12 800 695
18 Printing, reproduction 6 052 279 5 707 153
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 95 615 157  114 965 420
22 Rubber and plastic products 7 196 153 6 779 351
23 Non-metallic mineral products 17 891 355 17 142 050
24 Basic metals 47 423 297 61 328 507
25 Fabricated metal products 32 410 882 33 570 194
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment 34 356 404 32 784 923
28 Machinery and equipment 64 707 840 57 244 476
30.1 Ships, boats and oil platforms 72 119 022 62 388 196
29-30 Transport equipment n.e.c, except 30.1 5 808 096 6 727 939
33 Repair, installation of machinery 33 256 980 30 386 418
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c. 8 721 183 9 592 530

Explanation of symbols