Statistics Norway

Road traffic accidents involving personal injury

1 People killed or injured in road traffic accidents, by month1
  Accidents, total Persons injured Persons killed
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008
January  588  532  631  559  830  739  947  800 19 13 23 24
February  506  512  490 -  755  760  802 - 13 19 12 -
March  505  509  552 -  727  795  829 - 17 13 9 -
April  594  435  615 -  745  631  920 - 16 7 12 -
May  749  706  649 - 1 048  925  915 - 13 22 20 -
June  853  783  853 - 1 234 1 079 1 259 - 21 24 21 -
July  738  726  706 - 1 035 1 038 1 104 - 19 29 19 -
August  779  784  835 - 1 059 1 092 1 196 - 22 21 27 -
September  776  743  807 - 1 069 1 052 1 148 - 16 18 26 -
October  745  787  770 - 1 004 1 035 1 088 - 17 18 27 -
November  630  669  693 -  828  917  955 - 28 28 22 -
December  615  739  571 -  880 1 063  889 - 23 30 14 -
Total twelve months 8 078 7 925 8 172 - 11 214 11 126 12 052 -  224  242  232 -
1  Figures for 2007 and 2008 are preliminary.

Explanation of symbols