Statistics Norway

Road traffic accidents involving personal injury

6 People killed or injured in road traffic accidents, by degree of injury, gender and type of accident. January1
Type of accident Killed People injured, total Severely injured Slightly injured Degree of injury unspecified
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
Total 5 19  372  428 27 41  241  282  104  105
A. Rear end collision - - 84 59 4 4 48 26 32 29
B. Other accidents with vehicles going in the same direction - - 2 10 - - 2 7 - 3
C. Head-on collision when overtaking - - 3 9 - 1 2 5 1 3
D. Other head-on accidents 2 9 90  111 7 11 63 78 20 22
E. Turning - 1 16 12 - - 13 11 3 1
F. Crossing directions of travel - 1 34 40 3 1 22 32 9 7
G. Pedestrian crossing carriageway 1 1 35 27 3 4 25 15 7 8
H. Pedestrian walking in or along carriageway - 2 13 8 1 3 12 5 - -
I. Sledges etc. involved - - - - - - - - - -
J. Single vehicle off the road 2 4 80  133 9 16 46 89 25 28
K. Single vehicle overturning in carriageway. Collision with animal, parked vehicles etc. - - 5 10 - - 2 8 3 2
L. Other accidents - 1 10 9 - 1 6 6 4 2
1  Preliminary figures.

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