Statistics Norway

Road traffic accidents involving personal injury, preliminary monthly figures

6 People killed or injured in road traffic accident, by degree of injury, sex and group of road user. January-September 20091
Group of road user Killed Injured, total Severely injured Slightly injured Degree of injury unspecified
Both sexes Females Males Both sexes Females Males Both sexes Females Males Both sexes Females Males Both sexes Females Males
Total  165 33  132 7 409 3 050 4 359  562  178  384 4 920 2 097 2 823 1 927  775 1 152
Drivers of automobiles 74 11 63 3 585 1 314 2 271  211 59  152 2 346  909 1 437 1 028  346  682
Passengers of automobiles 33 12 21 1 883 1 091  792  109 53 56 1 200  717  483  574  321  253
Drivers and passengers of light motor cycles 8 - 8  100 9 91 18 1 17 66 4 62 16 4 12
Drivers and passengers of other motor cycles 19 - 19  388 46  342 79 8 71  240 32  208 69 6 63
Drivers and passengers of mopeds 2 - 2  404  140  264 33 8 25  294  103  191 77 29 48
Drivers and passengers of cycles 7 1 6  506  173  333 51 18 33  377  124  253 78 31 47
Pedestrians 16 7 9  452  260  192 52 29 23  337  194  143 63 37 26
Persons sledging and skiing 1 - 1 9 1 8 1 - 1 7 1 6 1 - 1
Other road users 5 2 3 82 16 66 8 2 6 53 13 40 21 1 20
1  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols