Statistics Norway

Municipal council and county council election

2   Municipal and County Council Election 2003. Electoral turnout in per cent among the sample of Norwegian citizens with immigrant background1, by age and sex
Age Electoral turnout in per cent Persons entitled to vote in the sample Norwegian citizens with immigrant background1
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 41 41 41 6 777 3 167 3 610  109 055 54 428 54 627
18-21 years 25 29 22  470  212  258 8 637 4 367 4 270
22-25 years 25 24 25  412  222  190 7 798 3 914 3 884
26-29 years 21 17 24  386  180  206 7 079 3 333 3 746
30-39 years 36 34 38 1 450  695  755 25 268 12 758 12 510
40-49 years 44 44 43 1 575  773  802 25 899 13 774 12 125
50-59 years 51 50 51 1 058  528  530 16 166 8 647 7 519
60 years and over 58 61 57 1 426  557  869 18 208 7 635 10 573
1  Persons with two foreign-born parents.

Explanation of symbols