4    Employed persons, by occupation and part-time/ full-time (LFS). Annual average 2007. 1 000
and per cent

  Part-time Full-time  
Occupation Total Persons
(1 000)
Per cent Persons
(1 000)
Per cent Average
working hours
per week
TOTAL 2 443 653 26,7 1 785 73,1 34,3
    1.Legislators, senior officials and managers 141 5 3,6 136 96,3 39,7
    2.Professionals 277 40 14,5 236 85,3 37,2
    3.Technicians and associate professionals 616 130 21,1 485 78,8 35,5
    4.Clerks 169 54 31,9 115 68,0 32,2
    5.Service workers and market sales workers 591 301 50,9 288 48,8 28,8
    6.Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 61 14 22,9 47 76,7 42,9
    7.Craft and related trades workers 275 20 7,4 255 92,5 37,9
    8.Plant and machine operators and assemblers 178 23 12,8 155 87,0 37,7
    9.Other occupations and unspecified 136 66 48,8 69 50,7 27,9
MALES 1 289 164 12,7 1 124 87,1 37,4
    1.Legislators, senior officials and managers 96 2 2,6 94 97,4 40,4
    2.Professionals 153 12 7,9 140 92,1 38,7
    3.Technicians and associate professionals 285 27 9,5 257 90,4 37,7
    4.Clerks 64 11 17,8 52 82,0 33,9
    5.Service workers and market sales workers 182 57 31,5 124 68,2 32,5
    6.Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 48 8 17,0 40 82,8 45,6
    7.Craft and related trades workers 255 15 5,7 240 94,2 38,2
    8.Plant and machine operators and assemblers 150 14 9,3 136 90,5 38,6
    9.Other occupations and unspecified 57 17 29,3 40 70,0 31,8
FEMALES 1 154 490 42,4 662 57,3 30,8
    1.Legislators, senior officials and managers 44 3 5,9 42 94,0 38,1
    2.Professionals 124 28 22,7 96 77,1 35,4
    3.Technicians and associate professionals 331 103 31,0 228 68,9 33,5
    4.Clerks 105 43 40,5 62 59,4 31,2
    5.Service workers and market sales workers 409 244 59,5 164 40,1 27,2
    6.Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 13 6 45,5 7 53,5 32,6
    7.Craft and related trades workers 20 6 28,7 14 71,0 34,0
    8.Plant and machine operators and assemblers 28 9 31,4 19 68,6 32,7
    9.Other occupations and unspecified 79 50 62,9 29 36,7 25,0