Statistics Norway - home page

1 Agreement Based Pension. Balance sheet. 31 December. Thousand kroner
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed assets 190 961 161 817 126 054 112 473 112 039 77 369
Bonds 190 961 161 817 126 054 112 473 112 039 77 369
Current assets 789 458 1 366 483 1 048 606 1 063 936 1 180 971 1 210 528
Receivables 531 379 974 214 807 210 832 859 922 054 1 005 795
Investments 132 169 122 771 132 568 89 084 133 954 172 586
Deposits 125 910 269 498 108 828 141 994 124 963 32 147
Total assets 980 419 1 528 300 1 174 660 1 176 409 1 293 010 1 287 897
Equity and liabilities   
Equity 954 904 1 035 332 1 035 527 1 013 455 1 091 496 1 123 015
Provisions for liabilities and charges 954 904 1 035 332 1 035 527 1 013 455 1 091 496 1 123 015
Liabilities 25 515 492 968 139 132 162 954 201 515 164 882
The National Insurance Administration 25 481 492 907 139 132 3 078 498 136
Accumulated reimbursements - - - - - -
Other short-term debt 34 61 - 159 876 201 016 164 746
Total equity and liabilities 980 419 1 528 300 1 174 660 1 176 409 1 293 010 1 287 897