Statistics Norway

1 Constructuction cost index for residential buildings at 15th of June 2012. 2000=100
  June 2011 June 2012
Detached houses of wood    
Detached houses of wood, total  153.5  158.0
Detached houses of wood, total, materials  152.9  157.5
Stone, clay and cement work  155.3  159.8
Stone, clay and cement work, materials  160.2  165.7
Site preparation  151.9  155.5
Site preparation, materials  153.2  156.2
Other work  153.3  157.9
Other work, materials  151.8  156.3
Carpentering  148.1  152.0
Carpentering, materials  143.2  146.5
Painting, paperhanging and floor coating  142.5  147.6
Painting, paperhanging and floor coating, materials  130.6  135.8
Plumbing  173.3  178.7
Plumbing, materials  188.9  196.3
Electrician installation work  207.4  219.1
Electrician installation work, materials  271.8  294.0
Multi-dwelling houses    
Multi-dwelling houses, total  154.9  158.7
Multi-dwelling houses, total, materials  160.7  165.2
Site preparation  151.6  155.0
Site preparation, materials  158.5  160.1
Carpentering  147.5  151.0
Carpentering, materials  141.6  144.4
Painting, paperhanging and floor coating  147.0  152.0
Painting, paperhanging and floor coating, materials  135.5  140.9
Plumbing  177.7  181.3
Plumbing, materials  195.8  199.9
Electrician installation work  200.5  210.5
Electrician installation work, materials  270.3  290.6

Explanation of symbols